Carpe Diem Creando

I touched on this briefly before closing out Manic Monday but I feel it needs more than a slight brushing. So today is a motivation day; so put on your inspiration undies and jump into the pool of “getting shit done” folks ‘cause you’re going on the joy ride of “make life your $5 whore” today. We’re talking about: Carpe Diem Creando.


Again, what it means is “Seize the day by creating”. A lot of you Negative Nancy’s are out there saying, “I’m not creative”. Well, not with that attitude you’re not. It doesn’t have to mean, create art, or create something written, or create music… no. It can mean just create a better life for you or those around you. Hell, create a better life for someone else. Just create! This world is slowly slipping into the monotonous crap because of nobody being able to create anymore. We are losing our originality as a race of humans because no one is creating anymore. We have lost touch with that part of our reality and it shows.


Movies are becoming sequels, and sequels… well they suck. Very few are good, but the majority are not good. Music is all about the same thing over and over and over again. Cars are all starting to look the same as they did before.


It’s all because no one is creating.


The job market sucks. The economy sucks. All the crap going on in the Nation’s Capitol SUCKS!


Why? NO ONE IS CREATING! No one wants change anymore? And I’m not talking the Obama campaign slogan “Change”, I man real, straight, everyone can see it, hear it, smell it, taste it, feel it- CHANGE! (Can I get an amen?)


If someone were to just stand up and say, I have an idea. Let’s create this… Yeah, it probably won’t change the economy, the job market, etc. but it will start a snowball. The more people creating, more and more people will create. Then the big changes will happen. It’s how shit happens in this world. It all starts with one person. ONE single voice is heard, and the WORLD shifts at everyone’s feet.


All because one person thought “Carpe Diem Creando”.


Whether you take it as creating like creating a piece of art, creating as in writing, or simply creating a better life by getting a raise, promotion, new job, etc. just create.


My dare to you is just starting something. It doesn’t have to be big, but watch the reaction; the chain if you will. You never know, you could be that one person who shifts the entire world. 

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