Carpe Diem Creando

I touched on this briefly before closing out Manic Monday but I feel it needs more than a slight brushing. So today is a motivation day; so put on your inspiration undies and jump into the pool of “getting shit done” folks ‘cause you’re going on the joy ride of “make life your $5 whore” today. We’re talking about: Carpe Diem Creando.


Again, what it means is “Seize the day by creating”. A lot of you Negative Nancy’s are out there saying, “I’m not creative”. Well, not with that attitude you’re not. It doesn’t have to mean, create art, or create something written, or create music… no. It can mean just create a better life for you or those around you. Hell, create a better life for someone else. Just create! This world is slowly slipping into the monotonous crap because of nobody being able to create anymore. We are losing our originality as a race of humans because no one is creating anymore. We have lost touch with that part of our reality and it shows.


Movies are becoming sequels, and sequels… well they suck. Very few are good, but the majority are not good. Music is all about the same thing over and over and over again. Cars are all starting to look the same as they did before.


It’s all because no one is creating.


The job market sucks. The economy sucks. All the crap going on in the Nation’s Capitol SUCKS!


Why? NO ONE IS CREATING! No one wants change anymore? And I’m not talking the Obama campaign slogan “Change”, I man real, straight, everyone can see it, hear it, smell it, taste it, feel it- CHANGE! (Can I get an amen?)


If someone were to just stand up and say, I have an idea. Let’s create this… Yeah, it probably won’t change the economy, the job market, etc. but it will start a snowball. The more people creating, more and more people will create. Then the big changes will happen. It’s how shit happens in this world. It all starts with one person. ONE single voice is heard, and the WORLD shifts at everyone’s feet.


All because one person thought “Carpe Diem Creando”.


Whether you take it as creating like creating a piece of art, creating as in writing, or simply creating a better life by getting a raise, promotion, new job, etc. just create.


My dare to you is just starting something. It doesn’t have to be big, but watch the reaction; the chain if you will. You never know, you could be that one person who shifts the entire world. 

Manic Monday – Volume III

CRIPPITY CRAP, IT’S MANIC MONDAY!! That’s right, it’s the worst day of the week for most people so I enlighten the mood by telling you some of the crazy shit that went on in my head this week and actually remembered to write it down for your enjoyment! Buckle up you literate reader because chances are, even I have no idea what’s about to be published!!


First of all, I would like to begin by painting a picture. One that everyone knows because we have all seen. Imagine driving, or riding in a car and passing by a hitchhiker. A real homeless person or someone who is just trying to get a ride somewhere else. A person on the side of the road with a bag or two but nothing much with their thumb up, kind of dirty looking. You know the person who looks like if you stop, they are going to murder you. Okay, now that you have that visual, we can proceed. Let me ask you this: what does it mean to truly have nothing and/or no one? Even that hitchhiker has some stuff, hell, even bums in big cities have some things. Yet, they all claim they have nothing… So what does it truly mean to have NOTHING? Do they mean they have no purpose? Maybe they are just searching for a purpose and that’s what landed them on the streets and it wasn’t drugs/alcohol. If so, sign me up! I’m still unsure on a lot of days and I do not have narcotic problems, maybe I need to live on the streets. Does that mean that I have nothing? Fuck I don’t know.


Which brings me to my next point. We have touched on this in previous posts (The White Picket Fence). We all feel the need to buy materialistic goods to make us feel good. Now I understand that every now and then that doing so is okay to gradually just have nice things to have a nice place to come home to, but I feel living like a minimalist is the way to go. What point do you have to prove to people? “Look at all my shit!” Oh man, you’re so cool!! No, no you’re not, you’re an idiot who could have went somewhere and did something or gave some money to someone who could have used that money to go somewhere to really find themselves and their niche in this world, but instead you had to buy a worthless thing that you have no use for. Now your place is more crowded and feels less home-like because you’re a fucking imbecile. Moving right along…


The art of moving on with life. This can be taken in so many ways; it makes me even crazier than I already am. It applies to relationships, jobs, money, belongings, pets, vehicles, etc., etc., etc. all the way down the list of life’s shit. If you need to cut ties with something to be truly happy for either party, do the right thing and just end it already. Believe me, it’s harder said than done sometimes and I need practice myself with this. However, at least I am working on it. I see people day in and day out that are so miserable in life because they put up with the same SHIT that they despise. Cut your losses, cut your ties, set yourself free. Even if you are setting the other party free, you will feel better too (yes, it will hurt for a hot minute, but in the long run, it will feel even better).


That leads me to this, which I have brought up numerous times but it’s because it is something that I struggle with all the time. What is the point of relationships (especially at a young age)? Is it for companionship? Get a fucking dog, at least they are happy to see you. Is it to get your jollies off? Jerk it and twerk it, get social and find a one nighter because there is always someone who wants the same thing. Repopulate? Okay, there you have me pinned. Then get in a relationship… Maybe. People, and a lot of people at that, do it as single parents all the time. Adopt, or surrogate, or get creative and find a way (within the law of course). I just don’t understand the point of being in a relationship. Maybe I haven’t found my one and locked her in, shit I don’t know. Maybe I have found her and lost her, again, I do not know. The one thing I DO know, I am very done with relationships longer than like a week. They cause too much stress, too much crap, it’s too much work, too much money, way too much drama that I just do not want or need. I just don’t get the point.


Anyway, I’ll call that good for the week, even though this week has been crazy as balls. That last part got me a little ramped up though (that’s when you know you’re crazy, your own writing gets you ramped even though you think about it all the time). So, instead of turning Manic Monday into Why Relationships Should Die, I’ll just go drink some more coffee and leave you with this (if I were to recommend a coffee by the way, go with Gevalia Espresso Roast- Black, because black is better, if you need all the creamer and shit, why do you drink coffee, drink a red bull or something, seriously. The point of coffee is to drink that shit black, coffee shouldn’t be sweet unless it’s like a treat from Starbucks, and that’s supposed to be a TREAT not like a daily thing.) Anyway, I’ll leave you with this; Carpe Diem Creando. It means “Sieze The Day By Creating”. Whether you take it as creating like creating a piece of art, creating as in writing, or simply creating a better life by getting a raise, promotion, new job, etc. just create. That is all.