The Thirty Minute Thought

Many men can agree to the terms of what I say today. Even though men agree, today, I am talking to the women readers. So ladies, my question to you; does your man, or a man you know, spend a long time (say thirty minutes) in the bathroom while pooping? I’ll bet you do. I know why he does and after today, you will too.


I know because I am one of those guys. Especially while being in a relationship, or being in a hectic place, I will spend a good half-hour on the throne. I’ll read, play games on my phone, anything really. Mostly though, I will enjoy the peace and quiet. I’ll sit there and think, ponder life, just enjoy the fact that I can have some quality ME time before stepping back onto the battlefield.


The one thing you can do is simply not pester us the entire time. “Are you done yet?” “What are you doing in there?” “Why can’t you just come spend time with me?”


Why can’t I just have some time to myself? Why do I have to constantly be around you? Why can’t I have a hot minute alone to think my own thoughts? What if I like the atmosphere in here? Can’t you just give me some time without giving me the third degree?


It’s not hard ladies. Us men are simple creatures and sometimes we just need a little space to get some thoughts out. If barricading ourselves in the bathroom for an amount of time is the only way we can get that space, then so be it. We aren’t harming anyone, doing anything wrong. We are just winding down, getting some alone time and having some space to think. Give us that time to do those things. 

The Drive Of Life

How is it that some people do not believe in a spirit or soul? How else would one explain the drive a person has, feelings in general, or the more specific fact of a “gut feeling” for example? I simply question these people today for one specific purpose: everyone has their “one true calling” in life. Some people know their calling, some don’t, but overall, everyone finds it sooner or later.


I know right now you’re probably thinking, “Dude, man, WTF? You go from hating the world, to telling us all how to live, and now you’re questioning one specific group in their beliefs?”


You’re damn right I am. Let me tell you why. If you can explain to me how else people “just know” their true calling, I’ll back off. I’ll recall my statements made and move on with life. I do not, however, understand how we as humans could really understand what we could already really want in life, all without having a spirit or soul (whichever term you prefer to use). No, I am not using these words in phrases to say I am religious by any means, but I could say I am spiritual to a certain extent because I believe that I do have a spirit, or energy, inside of me. It’s like the age old saying “He has a fire burning inside of him” or “She has so much passion inside of her”, I believe that is in reference to the soul because it is the soul that truly cares.


I think a lot of religious people push it too far, yes. If you can not have an open mind to be able to have an open conversation or read an article/blog about an opinion and have a true discussion without getting upset over someone else’s BELIEFS, I think you take it too far. It’s their beliefs, you have your own; you don’t need to shove it down people’s throats. But I’ll get into that in a different post because that’s a whole different subject.


I don’t feel like we are simply a stagnant body walking the Earth to die a cold a death and lie in the ground. Like I said, I’m not religious, but I still don’t feel like that’s right. I don’t believe in the heaven and hell aspect, but the spirit has to go somewhere (whatever it is we will never know, but I do not believe in the heaven/hell). I just feel like the drive of like has to come from deep from within, it’s not some code from your brain that says, this is what I like when we are born.


Unless you believe in String Theory, which I mean, I do. Then you can believe we are all just a computer simulation right now anyway and that’s why we all do what we do. But again, that’s a different post as well, because if you don’t know what I’m talking about, it will blow your fucking mind and make you go crazy. Seriously, YouTube that shit, it will change your entire thought process.


But if you can give me a valid conversation and argument as to where the drive for life comes from that is not a derivative of the spirit/soul, I applaud you. That is something I have wanted to know for years, but no one has been able to do. I really just want to know someone’s thoughts.