Mile “High”

As another season of football approaches, the Denver Broncos were a favorite going into this season. You read that right, WERE a favorite. It looks like someone spiked the Gatorade in Colorado and took the Mile “High” City a little too seriously this year as all star line backer Von Miller will be sitting on the sidelines for the first six games. Miller was found guilty of violating the leagues drug policy this offseason, not only once, but twice.


Miller’s defense was built around the fact the NFL (National Football League) declared he violated the policy due to the fact his samples were “diluted”. His defense was, “I like to be hydrated”. As do most users when they are going in for a drug screening, Miller drank a lot of fluids. “Hydrated” my backside, he should have said he has glaucoma. That would have been a better defense than hydrated. Or he could have said that the beating he takes out on the field, being that he is a football player, he has aches and pains and uses marijuana recreationally as a pain reliever, as does the majority of the rest of Colorado. We wouldn’t have been able to judge him, have you heard of Amendment 64? Of course you have Von, you probably voted “yes”.


Aside from the point of politics, Peyton Manning had better work with his receivers more, and newly acquired Wes Welker needs to really live up to his hype. Typically in Denver, the defense is what thrives and helps the Broncos succeed. This year, the pressure will be thrust upon the offense as the largest factor has been taken away from the other side of the ball. 

“Her” Big Day

One of the big topics that gets me in trouble in relationships is marriage. I don’t see the point of marriage. I believe that if two people are truly in love, there is a “code”; don’t cheat, don’t lie, do nice things, provide for the family, etc. and that “marriage” is only a legal document that says you love each other to the government. It LEGALLY says you love each other and that if you are to ever fall out of love, you are to pay a bunch of money to escape the grasps of that document binding you together, legally. I don’t think you need a piece of paper to say how much you love each other. A couple can be together 75+ years (or whatever) and still be just as happy as a couple that has been legally married the same amount of time.

But that’s not the point of this post.

My problem is the day of said wedding and what the meaning has come down to. With people who are close to me getting ready to wed, all I hear is everyone talking to the bride about it being “HER” day. It’s all about HER. HER day.


Okay women of the world, swallow your pride, and buckle up for a roller coaster of emotions and truth because shit is about to get real on my blog. I understand that I am not an “accomplished” blogger yet and I should be making an audience before attacking society, but society needs a reality check.

A wedding day is about the wedding. A wedding is about TWO people being married. Not about a woman looking beautiful in a big dress surrounded by loved ones. She has a man standing up there as well, and ladies, without him up there, THIS WHOLE WEDDING, THIS WHOLE DAMN DAY, WOULD NOT EVEN BE POSSIBLE! The wedding is not all about you, the bride. It’s not all about the color pattern. Just because the man (usually) does not care what kind of plates he eats on for the rest of his life, does not mean the wedding is not about him. The man is typically the one who made this day possible, he is usually the one who proposed, if it were not for the man, then bitch – YOU WOULD NEVER BE GETTING MARRIED TO ANYONE! YOU WOULD DIE ALONE! Let that sink in for a minute.

Next time you are thinking of a wedding, thank the damn groom. He made that shit possible. Yes, typically, the bride is the one who was fantasizing about it since she was little. However, the groom made it a reality. He is a fucking superhero as far as I’m concerned.

This goes for same-sex marriage too. I support it. I have homosexual family, and back when I had friends, at least 85% of them were gay too. They are just nice people who deserve the support, but I’ll go into that in a different post.

Women, no offense was intended in this post. I have been, however, offended as a man recently hearing that the wedding is all about the lady in the gorgeous white dress. It’s about the two people getting married and the love they share. My advice, make the wedding about the TWO of you. Or my personal advice, use that money, instead, to take a long vacation and don’t sign the dotted line. Just stay in love and use your heads. Don’t do anything stupid that you know the other person wouldn’t like (Act married, but don’t get married).