Fandom Friday – Mania

Welcome to Fandom Friday, where I talk about something or someone that I like and why you should too. This week I will be writing about being Manic Depressive.


Now I know that no one actually has the choice to be Manic, but you can always support those of us that are. By support, I do not mean give us money (though I won’t turn it down (haha)). What I mean by support is read our blogs (I’ve noticed a lot of us have them), listen to us, maybe even just be a friend.


Only 2.5% of the US population has some kind of bipolar disorder and 0.1-0.7% of said population is Manic Depressive. It’s not like we bump into each other on the daily basis, in fact it’s usually rare. So find yourself lucky that you found one and you can read all about some of the crazy shit that goes on (and this is only a slim portion for now).


Yes, it seems weird to be writing about why someone would enjoy having such a crazy illness. The thing about it is, it DOES suck, it does. However, if you learn to love the ride, it also makes life fun. The lows are hard but those highs are fantastic. If you don’t know what Manic Depressive Disorder is, read my second post ever, “What Is This Blog?” It gives you a brief overview of the disorder and it will let you know what it’s all about and what I’m all about.


The reason I am writing about this on Fandom Friday is because I want my readers to enjoy the fact they come to read a blog about nothing and everything all in one. It’s different day in and day out. It changes and you never know what to expect. I range from inspirational writings to rants, then back to inspiration to how I think celebrities suck, then I have Manic Mondays which is a load of everything under the sun, Fandom Fridays where you may find your new favorite thing/person/location (who knows), and some days I even tell you how to live your life to a healthier level and get in touch with your inner child.


There are days (as with “normal” people) that life just bites me in the ass and sucks, but there are so many days/weeks/months that I have highs that don’t go away and life is AWESOME (and those times last longer than those of “normal” people).


All I’m saying is: just give us crazies a chance. We are actually a big ball of fun and you never know what to expect.

Relationship Pondering

I personally do not understand how two people can be married for years and years and years. Hell, I don’t understand how simple boyfriend/girlfriend relationships can last for years. When a couple is together for years, I have to say, “Wow, congratulations. You guys are able to put up with each other’s shit for a long time. “

I’m THAT guy: the guy that gets bored way too quickly, way too easily. I stay in relationships and get in them often and yet, I don’t like them. I’m not sure as to why I even get in them (maybe a sense of comfort of having someone), but I do and I always regret it because I am the pushover that it takes a while to get out of them when I am unhappy.

Anyway, the point I am getting to with this; how can people really settle down and take on the full time job on top of trying to live the life of their own? I understand, that you found someone that makes you really happy and you want to live your life with them, but is that really enough? There will always be arguments and shit storms in the air. If you were flying solo, there isn’t anything. It’s just you have to worry about and possibly friends or business partners that you include.

It might just be me, but I don’t understand the whole marriage aspect of life. I don’t get the point of marriage, and I am really starting to doubt the point of relationships as well. They bring companionship, but so does my dog. They bring sex, but so does my hand. They bring fun, but so does going on random dates every now and then without getting serious or even getting in any sort of relationship at all. Just leave it at one date so you are still social; feel and appear normal.

But hey, just the opinion of a bat-shit crazy guy, right?